Master Class

Master Class

Our Master Class is an immersive online experience that is usually a four-hour session . Master classes are instructor lead and scheduled from 2-6PM on a Friday. The classes are conducted by domain experts and are helpful for you to get quickly ramped up on the topic. Each class has a Q&A section where you will have the opportunity to interact with the expert. The recording for the trainings are available on the platform up to 1 week so that you can review the content in case of any doubts. Participants get a certificate of participation once they have passed the short quiz at the end of the course. The list of courses available under our master class series are as follows.

HARPC – Going beyond HACCP

Introduction to FSMA and HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls)

Threat & Vulnerability Assessment (TACCP/ VACCP)

Understanding TACCP (Threat Assessment and Critical Control Point) and VACCP (Vulnerability Assessment and Critical Control Point) in a food environment

Handling Complaints & RCA

Best practice complaint management systems and quality investigation techniques and tools

Allergen Management at your Plant

This course will provides an in-depth review of the principles of allergen management in the production environment, focusing on allergen control

Effective Traceability & Recall

Find out about legislation, regulations, and client requirements for handling recall effectively. This class will help you understand the concepts and requirements of traceability and recall.

Audit Readiness Check

This class will help you in understanding in details what the auditors look for and get you prepared for the same.

Sampling Methodology

 Learn how to design effective sampling plan; how to employ the most relevant methodologies aligned with regulatory practices for obtaining reliable data needed to assess the safety and quality of their products.

Food Safety Competencies

The course provides an overview of food safety competencies, including food safety culture, HACCP, and ISO 22000. It also provides insights into how to develop a food safety culture in your organization.

Food Safety Culture

The course provides an overview of what defines the food safety culture in your organization and how to assess the same.

Vendor Management & Supply Chain Risk Assessment

This class helps you identify the participants int he supply chain, assessing the risk and how to go about evaluating your suppliers

Microbiology for Food Manufacturing

This class covers the basics of microbiology that are relevant to food manufacturing.

Understanding Food Preservatives

Understanding the classifications and applications of food preservatives to extend shelf life of the products.

Environmental Monitoring

The Masterclass covers globally acclaimed processes in developing a World-Class Environmental Monitoring Program in their Organization and respective Manufacturing locations.

Pest Management in a Food Safety Program

The masterclass discusses pest management plans at food facilities to prevent pests while ensuring food safety