Food Safety Conversation – Eat Right Campus | Opportunity to Make India Healthy

Eat Right India is an award-winning initiative by FSSAI which focuses on building a healthy India. Eat Right Campus is the part where companies, offices, and institutions can join the movement so that their employees get the confidence that the food they are eating is safe and healthy.

To talk about the initiative we have Ms. Rijuta Pandav, Deputy Lead, Food Fortification Resource Centre (FFRC) at FSSAI, Mr. Nishanth Narsipur, FnB Manager at Unilever (one of the first office to be certified as Eat Right), and Ms. Sarika Agarwal, Principal Consultant, Food Safety Works. The panel will be moderated by Ms. Surabhi Soral

Launched on World Food Safety Day 2020, Food Safety Conversation is a monthly panel discussion that we host on a a food safety topic. The panelists are practitioners who bring in real life experience on the topic at hand. The conversations are very candid and we are happy to include a topic of your interest. For a topic we may not have covered so far, do drop us a note at