Knowledge Base > Have a recipe?? Here is how you can start your business

Have a recipe?? Here is how you can start your business

All of us have that secret recipe to create a fantastic product and want to explore the option of how we can make it a package food business. Here is a step by step guide to make this happen.

  1. Decide the packaging. We put this first cause this is the most critical decision that will drive everything else. Broadly these can be categorized as bottle, jar or pouch. Each of them have their own variety in terms of material, shapes and sizes. So this is the most difficult part, but important to get it out of the way
  2. Standardize the recipe based on the minimum quantity that you would want to make. These should be in terms of multiples of the package that you want to produce. Don’t forget to document them as an SOP.
  3. Decide on the location where you would like to make your product. The facility and processes should follow the Schedule 4 requirements of FSSAI.
  4. Get your FSSAI license for the right category of product. To start with we suggest that you get the state license. This is sufficient even if you sell outside the state.
  5. Create a brand identity and art work for your package and label. Ensure that this meets the Packaging and Labeling Regulation. If you are making any claims, make sure that it does not violate the Advertising and Claims regulation as laid down by FSSAI.
  6. Select the parameters to be tested. This is based on the category of the product (as in the license) and the list of ingredients. Using this parameters, conduct a shelf life study.
  7. If the product shelf life is not as expected, tweak your recipe/SOP to help you improve the shelf life. You may choose to alter the type/quantity of preservative or improve the process to reduce the contamination. Both can help improve the shelf life.
  8. Establish a traceable system for the product, that you will put out into the market so that in case of the product faces an issue in the market or gets picked up by FSSAI for scrutiny, you can trace it back to the date/time/process.

With this you should be all set to sell your product. Besides the above, here are some of the common question that we get asked very often.

  • Do I really need a license or can I just take a registration and sell the product? While there is nothing to say that you cannot do that, the registration is meant for petty food businesses with a limit of 12L per annum. So a license is a preferred path
  • Mine is not a packaged food, do I still need a license? Yes you do. FSSAI license applies to anyone who is selling food. You must get a license under the right category of the product and kind of business you want to conduct
  • I am going to be selling on Amazon/Flipkart/BigBasket, do I need an FSSAI e-commerce license? No, you do not need an e-commerce license unless you have your own portal selling the product.
  • Is shelf life study mandatory? Shelf life study is the most reliable way to predict how long the food will be safe for consumption. Color, taste and flavor are not the only parameters and the product should be tested for all the relevant parameters, including the microbial.

We have been helping our customers in the productization process for over 10 years now. If you have a reciepe and need help, feel free to reach out to us at

Author: Ramesh is a technology, new project, design and operation expert and works with our clients in helping them setup new facilities and bring to market new products taking into consideration the requirements for food safety . He is also the COO at Food Safety Works

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