We can assist you in obtaining a state and federal FSSAI license. Understanding the eligible category and the requirements for that specific category is crucial when applying for a license. In addition to applying for the license, we also go over the specifics with you. Depending on your product’s categorization, the FSSAI also mandates that you submit returns on a regular basis. On your behalf, we can assist with the return preparation and filing.
India’s governing laws and FSSAI licensing
All food business operators (FBOs) in India must obtain food licenses from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), which is the regulatory organization in charge of this process.
Section 31(1) of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, mandates that all Food Business Operators (FBOs) hold an FSSAI license. The Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011 regulate the licensing and registration procedure.

Who Needs FSSAI Registration or License?
In India, some food business operators (FBOs) are required to register or have an FSSAI license. These consist of:
- Retail stores, bakeries, snack shops, candy stores, and petty retailers.
- Fixed stalls, temporary stalls, or food establishments that prepare, store, distribute, and sell food.
- Food vendors on the go offering freshly made or premade meals
- Dairy businesses, such as tiny milkmen, milk merchants, and cold stores
- Slaughterhouses
- Meat and Fish/Seafood Processing Units
- Food manufacturing facilities, even re-packers and re-labellers.
- Oil Manufacturing Units
- Novel foods and proprietary foods
- Facilities for cold storage and refrigerated storage
- Food carriers or transportation vehicles that use specialized vehicles (such as food trucks, milk tankers, and refrigerated vans)
- Food product distributors, suppliers, wholesalers, and marketers
- Bars, restaurants, and hotels
- Cafeterias and canteens, particularly those that serve midday meals
- Food vending agencies and caterers
- Dhaba, PGs, banquet halls, home-based canteens, and food stalls at fairs/religious institutions
- Importers and exporters of food and food ingredients
- E-commerce food suppliers, including cloud kitchens