Knowledge Base > MoCAF&PD: Timely filling of online P-II before 10th of every month by Sugar Mills

MoCAF&PD: Timely filling of online P-II before 10th of every month by Sugar Mills

On 8th May 2023, the Directorate of Sugar and vegetable Oils of the Ministry of Consumer affairs, Food and Public Distribution, issued a letter to the CEO/MDs of all Sugar Mills, regarding the strict adherence to timeline for filling the online P-II form on NSWS portal by 10th of every month. In case sugar mill does not fill the online P-II on the NSWS portal for the month of April 2023 (to be filled by 10th May 2023), such sugar mills will not be allotted any monthly release quota for the month of June 2023.

Find the letter here

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