Food Recovery: Quick Action is key

In the otherwise hectic days there are moments that stand out which make you feel good about what you are doing. They may not bring you business but its the business that brings them to you. These small moments are what give life a meaning. One such moment was this Sunday when Mr. Prabhakar Rao, Managing partner at Elior India , a premiere catering company based out of Bangalore and our clients for a long time, reached out to us to say that they had an excess of over 1500 meals from an order. Was there something they could do about it? We said most definitely yes and got into action.

Despite being a Sunday, we got cracking. We immediately reached out to Mr. Venkat Iyer with whom we have been partnering for a while now to help with food recovery. Venkat runs Swabhimaan, a registered charitable trust active in the Rajendranagara, LR Nagar, and Neelsandra neighbourhoods of Bangalore. They provide services including education, healthcare, microfinance, and food and clothes distribution. Venkat understands shelf life of fresh food and he immediately sent out his team to collect the food to make sure that it is handled properly. The food was then distributed to the needy in the areas that Swabhimaan works with.

Quick action is critical to recovery of fresh food as the quality/safety of the food. If not stored at the right temperatures it could start deteriorating as early as 2 hrs. We are really happy to have played our part in recovering this food. The photos should give you a good idea of need for such initiatives.

Note: If you have any excess food in the future which you would like to donate, you can reach out directly to Mr. Venkat@9945436757. The earlier you can call, the higher the chances that the food is safe for recovery.

Food Safety Works

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