Know the Myths and Facts about COVID-19


  1. You can recover from the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Catching the new Coronavirus DOES NOT mean you will have it for life.
  2. People of all ages can be infected by the new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.
  3. There is currently no confirmed case of COVID-19 transmitted through food or food packaging.
  4. There are currently no drugs/vaccinations licensed for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.
  5. People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease spreads primarily from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are expelled when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, or speaks.
  6. Studies have shown that the COVID-19 virus can survive for up to 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel, less than 4 hours on copper and less than 24 hours on cardboard.


  1. COVID-19 can’t be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates.
  2. Cold weather can kill the new Coronavirus.
  3. Taking a hot bath prevents from catching COVID-19.
  4. Mosquito bites transmit the new Coronavirus.
  5. Drinking freshly boiled garlic water prevents infection with the new Coronavirus.
  6. Sesame oil kills Coronavirus.
  7. Antibiotics helps cure covid-19.
  8. Regularly rinsing your nose with saline helps prevent infection with the new Coronavirus.
  9. Vaccines against pneumonia protect you against the new Coronavirus.
  10. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body kills the new Coronavirus.
  11. The virus can be transmitted through mail.
  12. The virus is transmitted via consumption of chicken.
  13. Consumption of cow dung and urine helps prevent COVID-19.
  14. Hydroxychloroquine is a licensed drug that helps cure or prevents you from COVID-19.
  15. Addition of pepper to your soup or other meals prevents or cures COVID-19.
  16. 5G mobile networks spread COVID-19.
  17. Drinking alcohol protects you against COVID-19.
  18. Spraying and introducing bleach or disinfectant into the body protects against COVID-19.
  19. Drinking methanol, ethanol or bleach prevents or cures COVID-19.
  20. Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort mean you are free from the COVID-19.
  21. Hand dryers are effective in killing the COVID-19. 
  22. Ultra-violet (UV) lamps can be used to disinfect hands or other areas of your skin.
  23. Exposing to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees prevents COVID-19.
  24. COVID-19 is transmitted through houseflies.
Till date, there is no supporting data/evidence to the above stated points under myths that show they help cure or prevent infection with the Coronavirus. WHO advises everyone to take steps to protect themselves and others from the virus by following the below:
  1. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
  2. Maintain social distancing, at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and others.
  3. Avoid going to crowded places.
  4. Avoid unnecessary touching of eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands.
  6. Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house, wear a mask to avoid infecting others.
  7. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call by telephone in advance if possible and follow the directions of your local health authority.
  8. Keep up to date on the latest information from trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and national health authorities.

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